Book an Abstinence Event
Carol Sallee
True love waits. Worth the wait. These are common phrases from the abstinence and sexual purity movement that began when my own children were young teenagers. It’s come a long way since the 90s and has even evolved to be considered a controversial topic in some circles.
This topic is more than just challenging teenagers to choose sexual purity and abstinence.
It’s about guiding them to make a promise to honor who they are now and who they will be in the future.
This frank, honest, and open presentation addresses several key questions:
What do I need to believe to make this choice?
Why does it matter what I do with my life and my body?
Why do kids my age choose to have sex?
Why should there be boundaries on sex?
How do I “decide my line,” “declare my line,” and “defend my line”?
What’s the big deal about sexting?
Why should I wait?
How do I wait?
Endorsement from Dena, Hope Outreach Parenting Resource Center, Enid, OK
I highly recommend Carol Sallee as a speaker on abstinence, self-esteem, self-worth, and making positive life choices. Carol has spoken to our groups of 7th graders for over ten years. Each year, we have all of the 7th graders in Garfield County for a tea-like setting. This averages approximately 500 young ladies each year to hear her message. Carol delivers in a serious but humorous way that sends the message of honoring oneself.
We have had girls who listened to Carol but have since graduated from high school indicate how Carol's message changed their life. Specifically, last year we had a twenty-one young lady come and speak to the group about how she listened to Carol when she was in 7th grade. From that, she decided to make a pact with some friends on staying pure until marriage. This young lady was getting married and spoke about how she still had her purity ring that would be given to her husband on their wedding night.
Our Teenagers are at Risk!
Statistics are alarming! Compared to other states in the nation, including the District of Columbia, Oklahoma ranked 2nd highest for teen birth rates for 15-19 year olds in 2014. Approximately 13 teen girls give birth every day in Oklahoma. Teens consistently say that parents-not peers, not popular culture, not partners-most influence their decisions about sex.
Carol Sallee is Experienced and Engaging!
It’s been my privilege to challenge teenagers, parents, ministers, and school educators on this subject for the past eighteen years and counting. I’ve taught:
In numerous churches in Oklahoma and Kansas.
In Oklahoma public school districts like Bixby, Enid, Jay, Magnum, Miami, Mounds, Oklahoma City, Oolagah, Piedmont, Pryor, Stillwell, Tulsa, and Woodward.
For student organizations like FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) and OATC (Oklahoma Abstinence Training Conference), WAIT Coalition, and Vicki Courtney’s YADA conferences.
Four versions of this topic are available—and both Phil and I have experience with all of them:
Churches and youth groups: Biblical truth is woven together with practical advice on “waiting, dating, and mating.” The message can be shared with both teenage boys and girls, but it’s recommended to do this in separate groups.
Public schools: Using fun and practical object lessons, students are led through a brief but engaging message that challenges them to choose with their futures in mind.
Parents: Taking the framework of the message shared with teenagers, parents learn to support their teen by building in them an ideal inner standard that will exert sufficient counter pressure against the world. The goal is to help parents lead their teens to a vision of sexual purity that will strengthen their resolve to wait.
Educators: Similar to the parent session, this version equips educators, school counselors, and school medical personnel with creative methods with which to interact with students on this subject.
Parents, student ministry leaders, community leaders, and educators: If you think this topic needs to be discussed in your community, please visit our website get started with an Event Inquiry or request a recommendation and/or referral from one of the groups at which this vital message has been presented.
The SALLEE GROUP would also appreciate the following:
If you’ve heard Phil or Carol present this message and believe it’s a worthwhile one, leave a brief testimonial.
If you’ve participated in the Sallees’ teaching on this subject and you made a commitment, please tell us your story. We’d love to hear from you!